Meet Bethany!! (@bethanyd.wilson)⬇️⬇️


▪️Bethany is 22 years old and a second year apprentice Elevator Constructor out of local #44 Toledo, Ohio.

▫️Her father and grandfather were electricians, and they both discouraged her from entering the trades. When she started college and was unhappy with the career she was pursuing, a boyfriend’s dad suggested that she may be good at being an elevator constructor. She loves heights and working with her hands, and she loves the daily troubleshooting that comes with the job.

▪️In high school, she had done projects on the skilled trades and their importance to society, but never truly considered doing an apprenticeship herself. When she speaks to old teachers and classmates now, they are shocked that she went into a “dirty” job.

▫️When Bethany was 16, she was an intern at NASA studying friction stir welding with their welding engineers, and permanently earned the nickname ‘NASA’.

▪️It took a total of 9 months and applying to two different locals before Bethany started her apprenticeship. Since then, she has been travelling and working all over the Midwest.

▫️She has two years remaining before she finishes her classes and takes her mechanics exam. She hopes to become a certified welder after she received her mechanics card. She is also the journal correspondent for her local and writes monthly articles in their International Trade Journal.

▪️The earlier mentioned boyfriend, is now her husband and he recently became a journeyman electrician out of IBEW local #82 in Bethany’s hometown of Daytona, Ohio.

▫️In her free time, Bethany enjoys reading up on finance and investing as well as spending time outdoors and cooking!

▪️ @bethanyd.wilson Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story with me! I wish you the best of luck in your journeys! I can’t wait to see everything that you accomplish!

⚜️ Tell me about an inspiring woman! ↘️↙️💕

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Published by featuringinspiringwomen

Sharing the stories and journeys of inspiring women 🥰 Instagram: @featuringinspiringwomen

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